Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Real Talk with Sara Ellen: Long Distance Relationships (SPOILER ALERT! We're Engaged!!)

So for the last year and a half any time I tell someone about my relationship with Pete it opens the flood gates for the same questions; "How do you guys do it?" "Isn't it hard?" "Don't you miss him?" Let me start off by answering these three questions for you guys:

  1. With a lot of work. (I'll get into that later in the post...)
  2. It's hard as hell.
  3. And yes. I miss him very much.
Long distance relationships are not easy and they are not for everyone but when you find that person that you just can't live without you do whatever it takes to be with them; flying back and forth across the world just to see one another, moving to a country where you don't know anyone just because it means you're finally on the same continent, letter, post cards, FaceTime, WhatsApp, you name it - we've done it, but the fact of the matter is there isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do for Pete. 

I've had so many people ask me how he proposed over the last few days I figured I'd share our story with all of you guys so here it goes...

Pete flew up for this past weekend and I decided to make the most of it and planned a trip for two to the Rocky Mountains!

On Saturday we took a trip to the Athabasca Falls, after to staring at the thunderous falls for a while we made our way down to the river bank, one of my favourite places in Jasper National Park. We snuggled on a rock being that obnoxious PDA riddled couple just staring at our gorgeous surroundings and talking...

After a bit Pete asked me to stay on the rock he wanted to get a photo of me with the beautiful scenery in the background...

When I turned around to stand up he was down on one knee with a ring. I was in such shock I couldn't even get up off my knees, I just knelt there crying and smiling while Pete proposed. We were both shaking so hard we sat down just holding each other and smiling until our legs steady themselves enough to make it back to the car.

We're planning to get married in August 2015 and I have no idea how to plan a wedding! If you have any tips or resources for a bride-to-be please leave them in the comments below!

9 Tips for a Long Distance Relationship That Rocks!
  1. Always set a date. Doesn't matter how long you have to wait between visits, whether its 2 weeks or 2 months, having a countdown makes the time apart a lot easier.
  2. Communicate. I'm not talking about texting each other all day every day, I'm talking about being open and honest with each other, especially when it's hard. You can't kiss and make up so you have to make every word count.
  3. Jealousy. Jealousy is a part of all relationships but especially when there's a great distance between you and your partner. Jealousy is a natural emotion, it shows you care but it's how you deal with jealousy that will make or break your situation. Before flying off the rails at your partner first pinpoint what it is that's making you jealous, is in't something your partner is doing or is it an insecurity in yourself? Either way discuss this with your partner, your relationship won't survive the distance if you can't trust one another.
  4. Snail Mail. Call me old fashion but there's nothing I love more than when the mail man has a package for me! Send each other things the good ol' fashion way, they don't have to be expensive gifts; send a love letter, a postcard and little trinket you saw that reminded you of them. When I went back to Ireland last summer I sent Pete a postcard from every town I went to, he still has them all to this day!
  5. Be Positive. Being apart from your partner is not easy but if you focus on all of the things standing in your way you'll wind up miserable, focus on the positive. Pete and I realized that the distance between makes us appreciate every moment we have together; holding hands while we walk down the street isn't just something we do out of habit, we do it because we spend 90% of our time wishing we could.
  6.  Stop Listening to All the Haters! People will tell you that you're wasting your time, that it'll never work, why don't you find someone closer. All I can say is that you don't need that kind of negativity in your life! Your friends and family are meant to support you; and yes, your relationship may not work but not every proximal relationship works out either, they should celebrate your highs and pick you up at your lows.
  7. Don't Be Afraid to Get a Little Bit Dirty. I really hope Pete's family isn't reading this, if you guys are please feel free to skip to tip #8... Being intimate with one another is an extremely important part of every relationship with the distance you've got to get a little bit more creative. Send each other sexy text messages and teasing photos, keep your partner on their toes...
  8. Get to Know Each Others Friends & Family. You guys are part of a team and one day (hopefully soon) it won't be YOUR life and THEIR life, it'll be BOTH of your lives. Make an effort to get to know one another friends and families, or as I like to joke with Pete I'm worming my way into his family.
  9. Have a Foreseeable End.  Talk about your future, where you guys plan on ending up, what kind of timeline you guys have for these goals. 

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